The Business Problems 101 Faced by Small Business Owners

There are many causes of business problems arising in the day-to-day life of a business owner but the most common one that needs to be addressed right away is Operational Inefficiency. Let’s understand it today and try to understand it thoroughly.

When you are starting out on your entrepreneurship journey or are an existing owner of a small business, you would want to maximize your profits and reap the rewards of your hard work to the full extent. But there is a high chance that you fail to do so. Reports suggest that only 20% of companies consider themselves to be highly efficient. This means that most of the companies existing today suffer from inefficiencies that hamper their growth and restrict them from maximizing their profits.

Therefore, in order to maximize profits, you need to recognize these inefficiencies present in your operational system and tackle them. In this article, we will talk all about operational inefficiency. We will describe it, provide a list of its types so that you can identify them, and provide you with methods to overcome them.

What are Business Problems?

Business problems are the occurrence of an inefficient system of accomplishing tasks within the system of a company. It causes many problems within the company and restricts it from collecting the maximum possible revenue. Business problems are caused by loopholes present within the system of how a company operates. These loopholes are mostly hidden and are difficult to notice which is why companies often find it difficult to increase their efficiency. They would often try and figure out new ways to increase their efficiency instead of recognizing and addressing the existing flaws in their system.

Operational inefficiency is a frustrating problem that needs to be taken care of in order to boost the overall productivity of your company. Addressing operational inefficiency will allow your employees to deliver more useful work, reduce redundancy, and most importantly, increase your profits.

Types of Business Problems (/Operational Inefficiency)

Following is a list of the different types of business problems. Identifying these types will allow you to successfully eradicate inefficiency from your existing system of operations.

1.       Lack of Integration

Today, different software and applications are utilized by every company present Many companies do not fully understand the need to integrate every system of the company. Without proper integration, redundancy occurs. Data that has been previously inputted in a system is redone on another system by a different system. Similarly, changes made in one system need to be implemented in every other system.

Effectively integrating your systems will save you a lot of time and effort. Important information needs to be fed into the system only once. Changes and modifications need not be repeated over and over again. As a result, your employees will be able to shift their focus to other important tasks and will have more time to complete them and move on to the next.

2.       Lack of Communication between Departments

A lack of communication and cooperation between various departments of your company can cause havoc in the entire system of your business. The information would often be passed on wrongly, causing unproductive work. Lack of cooperation also causes delays and hinders productivity.

Hence, it is important to ensure proper communication and cooperation between departments. This will aid in tasks being accomplished much faster, correct information being passed on, and establishing a healthy atmosphere in the workplace.

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3.       Improper Scheduling

 Improper scheduling is a devil that eats up the time of your employees and restricts them from delivering to their full capabilities. It causes mismanagement of time. Without a proper schedule, employees would find it difficult to prioritize their work accordingly and complete them.

Therefore, it is important that you schedule all your operations properly and see to it that the timing of one operation does not overlap with another鈥檚. This will help your employees to manage their time effectively and produce more work.

4.       Redundancy

Redundancy causes a lot of mismanagement of both time and effort of your employees. Also, it makes it difficult to get your hands on data that is totally correct as employees may have inputted the same data more than once. There may be multiple copies of the same report and analytics present.

If redundancy is not taken care of, you may be working on the same thing over and over again. This is frustrating as you will be working on useless things rather than paying attention to work that is actually important and must be completed quickly.

How Business Problems If Ignored Affects Your Own Business Life?

1.       Costs you money

Business problems and their inefficiencies cost you a large proportion of your profits as you spend money on things that you do not require. Reports suggest that operational inefficiency costs companies around 20% to 30% of their revenues each year. That is a huge sum of money that could have been invested in the growth of your company if your system was efficient.

2.       Costs you time

As stated before, operational inefficiency causes mismanagement of time. As such, a lot of time is wasted. This takes down productivity to a great degree.

3.       Reduces quality

As operational inefficiency wastes the time of employees, it causes them to complete tasks hastily. It also involves redundant work and a lack of coordination. All these factors lead to poor quality of the product produced and affect the name of your brand.

How to Overcome the Business Problems

Follow the below-given methods to eradicate operational inefficiency from your system.

1.       Understand your operations

Analyze the work structure of your business and dive deep into its processes. Understand what the steps to producing your finished product are. You can also perform formal audits to get a good grasp of how exactly things are carried out in your organization.

The report of the audit will give you a great insight into the total system of your business. You will get to know which processes are exactly productive. You will also be able to point out the steps that are unnecessary and do not add any real value to the overall process. As such, you will be able to remove those redundant processes.

2.       Automate repeatable work

These days, tons of Software as a Service (SaaS) are available that are highly useful in performing tasks that need to be repeated multiple times. Leveraging this software will relieve your employees of a lot of unnecessary effort.

It is ad nauseam to perform the same task multiple times manually and leads to a lowered level of motivation in your employees. This makes them more prone to committing errors which you definitely would not want. By leveraging the available technology, you can easily steer clear of these errors. This will also enable your employees with the opportunity to perform more useful work in the time they would be spending repeating the same tasks.

3.       Promoting cross-departmental communication

It is necessary for the different departments of a company to properly cooperate and communicate with one another. Lack of cooperation can cause a lot of problems for both the employees and the company. Hence, it is crucial that you take steps to ensure that the various departments of your company have a good rapport with one another.

You can do this by sharing the work of every department transparently so that others can see it too. This will help departments to understand the work and deadlines of every other department and work accordingly to make ends meet. You must also share the company values with all the departments to ensure that all are on the same page and are working towards a common goal.

馃挕TIP: Use tools like Hubspot, Google Chat, Slack, etc. for smoother communication within your team to increase cross-departmental communication.

4.       Prioritize employees

Business is not just about minting money. Every successful business is based on healthy relationships within the company. A transparent, healthy, and empathetic workspace ensures that every employee feels good about his or her work and understands its value. This motivates him or her to produce more work which ultimately boosts productivity.

If your employees are not happy with their jobs, they will not deliver to their full potential and may even want to exit your company. Thus, you must always strive to create a workplace where your employees feel comfortable working. Conduct audits about the performance of every individual employee so that you can assign KPIs accordingly. Also, encourages transparent conversations among employees. Crafting a lively company culture goes a long way on the road to success.

5.       Cut down operational costs

Perform regular audits on the operating costs of your business. The reports that these audits will produce will let you identify unnecessary costs. These costs can be in the form of maintaining huge unused inventories or too many systems that are rarely worked with.

Cutting down on these unnecessary costs will enable you to invest the money in other beneficial processes that will boost your revenue collection.


To add up, business problems are unwanted occurrences that must be eradicated. It costs you your precious time, money, and the quality of your product. It is present in different forms within your existing system but is often hidden. Thus, it can be difficult to identify them. However regular audits can help you get a clear view of the flaws of your system and fix them to boost productivity.

Increased productivity will allow you to enjoy more revenue and invest time in other useful work. Thus, you must always look for ways to eradicate redundancy from your operational procedure and make your system more streamlined and efficient. I hope this article helped you to understand operational inefficiency and how you can remove it in order to boost your profit.


1.       Why is it important for departments to communicate with one another?

Without effective communication among departments, tasks will not be completed in time and errors may also occur. With good communication and cooperation, departments will be able to work hand in hand with one another towards a shared goal and complete tasks more efficiently.

2.       How does operational inefficiency waste time?

Operational inefficiency causes the same work to be repeated multiple times, improper data entry, and errors. As a result, it takes a lot of time in the form of fixing these mistakes. With an efficient system, time would not be wasted due to these mistakes.

3.       Why is it necessary to understand one鈥檚 operations?

Understanding your operations will allow you to recognize the hidden inefficiencies within them. You will be able to point out superfluous steps in your processes and remove them to make your entire system more streamlined.

4.       Why is it important to promote a healthy workplace?

A healthy workplace ensures that all your employees feel good about what they are doing and understand the true value of their job. This, in turn, will motivate them to put extra effort into their work and as a result, produce more useful work.

5.       What are some tools for automating repeatable work?

Following is a list of tools that are best for automating work that needs to be repeated:

路         Zapier

路         Jotform

路         RoboTask

路         Microsoft Power Automate

路         Xero

路         Eventbot

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