How to Create a Company Page on LinkedIn

LinkedIn can be a great platform to spread the word about your company and make it popular. Creating a page for your company on LinkedIn can help generate leads, recruit new employees, and market your products. The LinkedIn page will serve as a one-stop destination where people can learn about your company. It would convey all the necessary details that you want people to find out about your company.

In this article, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how you can create a LinkedIn page for your company. We will also discuss the best practices related to your LinkedIn page and its benefits to small businesses.

Steps to Building Your LinkedIn Page

To build your company page on LinkedIn, you will need to have an existing LinkedIn account. Also, you will need to access LinkedIn from its desktop site as page creation is not yet available on mobile. Furthermore, your page URL should not already exist, should contain at least one non-numeric character, and does not contain back-to-back hyphens.

1.       Step 1- Visit the LinkedIn website from your computer and log in to your account.

2.       Step2- Click on the “Work” icon in the top-right corner of the screen. A pop-up menu will appear.

3.       Step 3- Scroll down to the bottom of the pop-up menu and click on “Create a Company Page”.

4.       Step 4- Select the type of your business from the provided list.

5.       Step 5- Add the details that you are asked to provide such as the name of the page you are creating, the website, details about your company, etc.

6.       Step 6- Check the verification box at the bottom to ascertain your ownership and authority of the page.

7.       Step 7- Click on “Create Page” and your page will be created. If you receive a red error message, you will need to troubleshoot creating your page.

Once you have created your page, you will be presented with the option of “Start building your page!”. This option will allow you to fill in more details about your company and add a logo. The guide through this option is provided below.

8.       Step 8- Enter the name of your company and provide your company e-mail address.

9.       Step 9- Click on “Continue”. After doing so, you will be asked to add a description of your company.

10.   Step 10- Upload your company logo and a banner image that is representative of your company.

Getting the Best Out of Your LinkedIn Page

After you have created your company page on LinkedIn, it is time to make it popular. For this, you need to increase the following of your LinkedIn page. This can be done by following the below tips:

1.       Keep updating your company page with regular updates about your company. This will make your audience get hooked on your company and develop an interest in it. As such, they will share your page more.

2.       Add images or videos to all your posts. This will make the posts more visually appealing and cause more people to develop a liking for your page. Adding a slideshow of 3 to 4 images, make your posts more discoverable across feeds.

3.       Leverage tools such as LinkedIn Live, Polls and Stories to create more interactive content. LinkedIn Live produces 7 times more reactions and 24 times more comments than regular posts. Polls are another interactive feature that can provide you with insights into your audience.

4.       Most importantly, create content that your audience enjoys. Spend time understanding the desires and needs of your audience. Then use this information to accordingly create content

There are certain best practices that you must consider after you have created your page. These are:

1.       Share your LinkedIn page using the “Share” button. This button allows you to share your page not only on LinkedIn but also on various other social media platforms.

2.       Add more than one ‘super admins’ to your company page in case a super admin loses access to your page or no longer remains associated with your company.

3.       Share the information on your page with other employees of your company.

Benefits of Having a LinkedIn Page

1.       Introducing new products

LinkedIn is a great platform to launch your new products in the market. The audience on LinkedIn is mostly working professionals and your followers are all linked to your industry in some way or the other. Therefore, if you introduce your new products on LinkedIn, you will be able to reach out to prospects who hold a higher interest in your products and services.

This will allow you to drive more prospects through the sales funnel and convert more leads.

2.       Standing out from competitors

Your company description on LinkedIn, makes you present your company in a unique manner. It reflects the goals, mission and vision of your company. It also presents the values of your company. Furthermore, your posts on LinkedIn showcase your company culture and tells how exactly your company is different.

All these help differentiate you from your competitors. LinkedIn serves as a platform to depict how you stand out from others. This creates a unique perspective in the minds of your target audience about your company.

3.       Recruiting highly skilled employees

LinkedIn is primarily used by professionals to find new opportunities. Hence, as a company, you can leverage LinkedIn to find highly skilled individuals and offer them a role in your company. You just need to post a job opening and describe the role along with its perks and responsibilities.

You will have the benefit of going through the profiles of those who apply and viewing their professional life. LinkedIn allows you to also view their skills and previous experiences. This information can help you decide if they are a good fit for your company or not.

4.       Keeping a track of your competitors

On LinkedIn, you can easily find out what your competitors are up to. You can view their posts and company updates in order to stay up to date with their developments. This information will be crucial in designing your next product such that it stands out from the competitors.

Keeping a track of your competitors will also allow you to curate content specifically for your target audience. By studying the pages of your competition, you will get to know what is trending among your audience as you and your competitors share the same target audience.

5.       Collaborating with others

Just as LinkedIn allows you to keep a track of your competitors, it also serves as an interface for collaboration with other companies from your niche. You can find out about other companies in your industry and strike a collaboration with them.

Your company page would serve as a sort of resume that other companies can view and decide if they would be interested in collaborating with your company. Similarly, you can view the pages of other companies and check if they fit your needs or not. Collaborations are beneficial for both parties involved as both gain something or the other in the form of leads, industry knowledge, experience, company insights and much more.


LinkedIn is a revered platform for showcasing your company. It is helpful for large corporations and small businesses alike. Having a LinkedIn page opens the door to limitless opportunities. It lets you convey to your target audience how your company is one of its kind. It allows you to showcase your company culture, values, and mission.

Creating a LinkedIn page is simple enough and lacks complications. The entire process takes a few minutes. However, just creating a good LinkedIn page for your company is not enough. You need to make sure that your page gets shared and gains ample followers so that you can reach out to a larger audience.

I hope this article guided you through the procedure of creating a LinkedIn page seamlessly.

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